Whisperings of Heaven

by | Jul 12, 2016

Home » Stories of Sight » Whisperings of Heaven

Have you heard the song “Whisperings of Heaven“?

When this beautiful 78 year old woman named Evedoh could see again, we could hear whisperings of heaven. Our “hearts were bursting” with joy because God healed her eyes.


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It’s been an exciting month as Wayne and I went to the bush June 28th-July 4th.  We have not been since February when we first arrived here in Togo.  I helped prep patients before their surgery and Wayne drove the ambulance and learned the process of sterilization of the operating tools. It was an amazing week! 


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We did 55 eyes and were present for two baby births as our tent was outside the birthing room of the hospital! We had five VIPs (people from our church) that came for eye screenings and Sight.org will be able to help them!

We want to thank our sponsors and donors again for helping to change the lives of these people, because BEFORE, they could not see and AFTER, a world of difference in their demeanor! This would have never happened if you had not given to Sight.org. We are truly blessed to be a small part of this ministry! “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done!” Proverbs 19:17

We brought back 7 banana trees to plant at our farm too!



Since it rained everyday in Amlame, we had all the joys of being in a tent and our bedding got wet the very first day.

We actually got all the tents up before it down poured!  The hospital had a conference that week and did not have any rooms available to us until Saturday which was good because Wayne caught a cold and became sick.



It seems that Togolese women have very short labors and have their babies within 3-4 hours. Some women wait too long and have their baby on the back of a moto bike when it’s time.

We had a woman tell the moto driver to stop because she was having her baby right then! 

The midwife had to run down the long drive to cut the umbilical cord!  I can imagine the whole scene now!  We prayed for the women who had their babies in the wee morning hours and God heard our prayers when the baby arrived. What JOY to be a small tiny part of their deliveries.



It really blessed us since we were not able to be there for our daughter Sarah and Jonathans first baby, Israel. We are looking forward to our son Stephen and Ariana’s baby which is due this month on the 24th and they are at a point of moving back to Tyler, TX. We too wish we could be present for their first baby. Now we will have five grand baby boys! God has blessed us and our families beyond measure! We are so blessed to know that our kids know our heart for missions and that they didn’t make us feel bad for leaving the States.


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We have been drawn especially to the Togolese children.

They are pure innocence and beautiful and they love to see “Yovos”. We hear their giggles and laughs and chants, “Yovo, Yovo, Bonsoir Yovo” as we pass by and we always give them silly waves.  I always take pics of all the children we come across as they have my heart!  They love looking at their own picture and try to figure out how it’s done!

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“Let the little children come unto me” Mark 10:14

You can be a part of these great works by making a donation whether modest or great, We rely on our donors to provide these surgeries each month in these poor villages in the country of Togo. Won’t you make a difference today?

Written by: Elaine Riley, missionary in Togo