
Check out our opportunities in Togo, Africa and Tyler, TX

“This is definitely my favorite program to work with in Africa to utilize my skills and to help a large number of patients. Sight.org is a great organization with an excellent in-country support team. I highly recommend Sight.org for a true African eye surgical mission experience.”

Dr. Ed Kondrot

Eye Surgeon


Volunteer in Togo, Africa

Ophthalmic Surgeon

Ophthalmic Nurse

Ophthalmic Technician

Registered Nurse

Farming Educator



Volunteer in Tyler, TX

Go to contact page if you are interested in serving Sight.org in any of the positions listed below.

Data Entry

Volunteer Position
Estimated time needed: 10 hours / week

Special Event Volunteers

Estimated time needed: 1-3 hours at event
Various duties to choose from: put up flyers/posters/signs, man a station, help serve lunch, man registration booth, help set up, help tear down after event, help with mail outs

Office Volunteer

Estimated time needed: flexible
Various duties to choose from: hand write thank you notes, address brochures, help with website coding, help with event planning, help with mail outs

General Volunteer

Estimated time needed: flexible
Tell us your gifts and interests, and we will find a great fit for you!

Volunteer From Wherever You Are!

Donate your birthday or any special holiday!

Team praying with Jeanaway
Naomi praying
Team praying with Jeanaway
Elaine playing with Chris
Team praying with Jeanaway