Teaching Children Different Ways to Worship God

by | Oct 19, 2016

Home » Stories of Sight » Teaching Children Different Ways to Worship God

In September we started expanding the ministry weeks in the villages here in Togo, Africa.

We have been visiting different villages each week. We get permission from the chiefs of that village first.

We do health teaching, children’s ministry, show the Jesus Film along with other Bible films, fit and give eyeglasses, do door to door ministry, and pray for those who ask for prayer. We also meet any other needs that we’re able.

We also have been finding a “Person of Peace” in each village who will be responsible to play the audio Bible.  We leave it in their care to help spread God’s Word in these villages!

The audio Bible is wonderful because it is played in Ewe, which is one of the languages they speak.


We want to teach the children different ways to worship God and we are using instruments to do this. 

Wayne and I asked a blacksmith to make bells and triangles to add to the musical instruments that we have been collecting here in Africa! We also have African shakers and home made shakers. 

The children love singing and playing the different instruments. We now have about 23 instruments and will add to these as we can.  Usually we have about 50-150 children in one village, depending on the size. We “take turns” passing the instruments around and sing a lot of songs, to give everyone a chance to worship our Lord! 





We also try to have a coloring sheet with a Scripture that goes along with the lesson of the day. This can be costly to make copies for each village, but when you see their faces and watch them color, it’s worth the expense! Crayons are not readily available here but I sure am glad I bought several large boxes of crayons. They will go a long way!



Sight.org has collected MANY used/unwanted eyeglasses. These are given to people who need a little help with their vision. Many want glasses in order to read their Bibles!  They even bring their Bible to the screening to make sure they can see with the glasses!  The eyeglass cases are just as important because they don’t want anything to scratch their glasses.

Seeing is everything!

So if you have some eyeglasses that you have outgrown, contact our Sight.org office in Tyler, TX to make your donation! Or if you don’t have any eyeglasses and would like to buy some reading glasses from the weakest strength 1.25 – 2.50 strength. We run out of these quickly! You can also make a monetary donation to help with the shipping costs.


We would like to invite you to help with the work here in Togo, Africa in giving $10 for color sheets or instruments.

We truly appreciate all our family, friends and church body who support us each month in order for us to do the work here in Togo! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


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