
An Almost Impossible Feat

by | Jan 11, 2018

Home » Stories of Sight » An Almost Impossible Feat

An Almost Impossible Feat.

That’s what bringing the gospel to Togo’s unreached people groups seems like.


Togo is a nation with thirty-nine spoken dialects and a very poor literacy rate.


But thanks to one of our partner organizations, Faith Comes by Hearing, the Bible is available in audio form in 1,128 languages and counting! This year, Faith Comes by Hearing graciously donated two Proclaimer Audio Bibles to Sight.org.





Each of these Proclaimers can broadcast recordings of the Bible to groups of up to 300 people. They are rechargeable via solar energy and hand crank.


We have given those Proclaimers to two new house churches in Togo. They are in a region with little to no access to the gospel. 


Thanks to Faith Comes by Hearing, these two churches and their 250 new believers are able to come together each week to hear God’s word in their own dialect.

Thank you to our friends at Faith Comes by Hearing!




Read more about the new house churches!