Baby Natalie

Baby Natalie

I was so tired. I just wanted a good nap.

It was blazing hot in the midday African sun. Our tent was unbearably hot. I thought about resting under the mango tree.




Our tent was pitched outside the village hospital. My friend Meza said that there was an empty office in the hospital with a fan where we could rest.




We went to the office to rest but Meza had to go back to the tent to get something. As she walked to the tent, she saw a family sitting on the sidewalk.

They were holding a tiny baby and crying.

She immediately went to them to see what was happening.

They said their baby was not breathing. They had gone to the hospital but did not have enough money to pay for treatment. Meza assured them that we could pay for the treatment and she called for the doctor.

Meza ran to the office to get me. She said, “There is a baby out here that we need to pray for.”

We rushed down the hall to the family who was now sitting inside.

What I saw next, I will never forget.

This tiny baby was staring at the ceiling with very little life left in her eyes. She gasped for breath every five seconds. I have never seen a baby this close to death. We all prayed and cried over this sweet baby girl. As I prayed, I felt like I was about to watch her die right there.

Finally, the doctor arrived.

As the doctor treated this eight month old baby named Natalie, the rest of us continued to pray and sing over her.

At one point, Natalie’s mother left the room. No one knew where she went.

During this time, the doctor said that he had done all he could do. She was breathing better but she had a very high fever that was not going down. There was bigger hospital down the road, so he asked us to take Natalie there instead.

We climbed in the bus with Natalie’s father and aunt and drove to the other hospital. We still did not know where her mother was.




At the second hospital, Natalie got hooked up to oxygen and fluids. She was starting to breathe much better and her fever was going down.




After an hour, her mother finally came back. She told us that she thought her baby had already died, so she went to tell her parents to prepare for the funeral.

When we told her that her baby was still alive and doing much better, she broke down in tears. She couldn’t even look at her baby. She sat on the floor, crying.

We sat with her and prayed. We all worried about this young mother. When I looked in her eyes, I saw sadness and darkness. I wasn’t sure if it was postpartum depression, fear, guilt, exhaustion, or something much darker.

All I knew was she needed a lot of prayer. She needed Jesus.

We stayed at the hospital all day, waiting. That night, Natalie finally came off her IV and oxygen. We visited with the family. The last time I looked in Natalie’s eyes, I thought I was going to watch her die.

Now she looked like a normal baby, smiling, playing, cooing. We were all overjoyed.




However, I was still worried about Natalie’s mother. She never smiled and she seemed so numb.




We asked the mother and father if they were Christians. They said no.

For the next week, we continued to check on Natalie. Our team went to a different village, but we continued to pay for Natalie’s treatment in the hospital. Her breathing never completely normalized, so they kept her in the hospital to continue treating her.  We called Natalie’s father two times a day for updates.

She seemed to be getting better. We were all hopeful.

A week later, we got a call from Natalie’s father. He said that they hospital had done everything they could for his daughter. They had exhausted their resources and were releasing Natalie from the hospital. She was still not breathing normally.

The next morning, Natalie’s father called. Natalie had passed away in the night.

Meza screamed, “No, not Natalie!” She fell to the ground crying.

I felt like I was looking in a mirror. I had the same exact reaction just five months prior when my neighbor’s daughter died.

When you spend so much time praying over a baby girl, you crumble when it all comes to a screeching halt.

Meza and I are both mothers. We took this grief upon us as if it were our own child. Our momma hearts were breaking. I could only imagine what was happening to Natalie’s mother. I prayed even harder for her.

As we grieved, God comforted me with the thought that He is bigger than all of this. He was still working. He still had plans for this family. I felt that God was going to use this to draw the mother and father to Him. Our ministry team would be in their village for the entire year. I knew that even when I went back to the United States, our team would still be there, loving on this family, and speaking God’s love over them.

Two days ago, I got a message from our ministry team. The house church in that village was growing. They have been meeting together for five months. Many people in this village have become Christians.

The house church picked three people this week to be their “Persons of Peace.” They will be in charge of the audio Bible as the village comes together each week to listen to God’s Word.




I stared at the pictures of the three “Persons of Peace.” I recognized the woman in the middle. It was Natalie’s mother!




I frantically messaged our ministry team leader for confirmation. He said that it was Natalie’s mother. He found out that she had been involved in Voodoo, but after her baby died, she decided to visit the house church. She has now become a Christian and has been coming every week to listen to God’s Word. The village has now picked her to be one of the people responsible for encouraging everyone in the house church.

I was overwhelmed. God really was speaking to me on the day that Natalie died. I was comforted by the fact that He had plans to draw Natalie’s parents to Him, and only a month later, He had already done that with her mother.

This Mother’s Day week, we are praising God for his miraculous works in the midst of death and grief. We still grieve the loss of baby Natalie, but we are overjoyed at the salvation of her mother. She has been brought from darkness to light!

As you can see from the story of baby Natalie, there are so many medical needs in rural Togo. At Sight.org, we only have the resources to help with eye medical needs.

So many people come to our team with non-eye related needs. Sometimes we can help, and sometimes we can’t. We pay for them to go to the hospital when we can. But even then, the rural hospitals have limited resources, as was the case with Natalie. We will never know if Natalie could have been saved if she were in a big city or in a western hospital. We all wonder.

Our team often gets overwhelmed by the needs of the people around them. They can’t fix all the needs they see every day. However, we are comforted by the fact that Jesus is bigger than we are. His plans are better than ours.

He has placed our team in rural Togo for a reason. One of the reasons is to heal people’s eyes. But the biggest reason is the be the love of Christ to them.

Because of our eye surgeries, Jesus opens the door for ministry. Through that, house churches are being established, hundreds are giving their lives to Christ, and the Word of God is heard.




We will never understand all of God’s plans. We don’t understand why Natalie had to die. But we do know that Jesus loves Natalie and her family. And we know that He has a big plan for her family.

It’s not about me, it’s about God’s kingdom and His glory

It’s not about me, it’s about God’s kingdom and His glory

As I sat in the plane, I burst into tears.

I was traveling alone, so the strangers around me probably thought I was crazy. I couldn’t stop crying. Even the nun next to me refused to make eye contact.

I was on my way to Togo.

My book of choice for the trip was Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen. I read these words, “I feel like people love me for what I do and not who I am.” I stopped and stared. I couldn’t move past these words. And then the flood works started.


I realized that I had been striving so much to be and do everything for everyone around me that I had lost a part of myself.

I was exhausted. I was overwhelmed. I was stretched thin. And I was on my way to serve people in Africa.

God knew he had to break me before I even got off the plane. I was worthless to his kingdom at that point.

Through my tears, I realized that being a people pleaser was a sin. I repented, and God started over with me.

I was trying to be enough for everyone around me. But I will never be enough. I am human. I am incapable of being everything that everyone wants me to be. I will never do it all on my own.

But, Jesus is enough.

I can rest in the fact that he has all the resources. He has all the time. He has all the energy. I don’t. But I do have Him in me. I have him working through me.

A weight was lifted when I realized that I wasn’t enough. I realized that I could walk free, letting Jesus do His thing through me.

It’s a good thing, because I was about to enter into ten days of non-stop ministry, prayer, and spiritual warfare. Not to mention, many nights of sleeping on a cot in a tent.


I walked off that plane feeling a freedom that I haven’t felt in a long time.

I knew it wasn’t about me, it was about God’s kingdom and His glory. Jesus was in control, not me. Even though I knew God had a specific reason for me being there, it still wasn’t about me. I didn’t have to worry about living up to everyone’s expectations. I just had to draw from the living water every day and let God work.

Every day of that trip, I had two phrases ringing in my head:

“Jesus is enough.”

“It’s not about me, it’s about God’s kingdom and His glory.”

I wrote them on my hand. I drew pictures about it in my journal. I didn’t want to forget. I didn’t want to fall back under the weight I had been under.


One day, a woman came to us with a painful infection in her hands. Normally, I would pray for her from a distance. This time, I knew God wanted me to draw close to her. He wanted me to touch her hands and pray for her. I was scared of getting the infection at first.

But God said, “It’s not about you, it’s about my kingdom and my glory.” I sat and prayed with her, holding her hands.


Its not about me


Another day, I had to give some difficult news to our team members. I hated that I was the one who had to tell them. I wondered what they would think of me. I worried that I would say the wrong thing.

But God said, “It’s not about you, it’s about my kingdom and my glory.”

I prayed, and told them the news. I felt like I wasn’t the one speaking. I didn’t even recognize the words coming out of my mouth. The response of the team was complete understanding and peace.


One night, I had two minutes’ notice that I would be speaking to the house church in the village of Adjon. I had no idea what I would say, but I had peace that Jesus was enough. He knew what needed to be said. It wasn’t about me.

It wasn’t about what I would say. It wasn’t about how well I could preach. It wasn’t about the fact that I was a woman.

It was just about Jesus.

I had so much joy that night as I spoke, because I wasn’t striving. I wasn’t trying to please the crowd. I was just letting Jesus be enough through me.


its not about me

its not about me


Then, something happened that none of us were prepared for. A family came across our path with an eight month old baby named Natalie, and she was dying.

For several minutes, there was no doctor to help. There was only our team. Our team has ophthalmic training, but no training that could help this baby. This baby was gasping for breath and we were watching the life drain from her eyes. The only thing we could do was pray. We prayed our hearts out. We cried out to God.

Jesus was enough. He had to be enough. There was nothing else we could do.

Finally, a doctor showed up. We took her to the hospital, where she was cared for. We continued to pray for her and love on her parents. We dropped everything for this baby.


Its not about me

Its not about me


Then a week later, she died.

Because of lack of resources in rural Togo, there was nothing more the hospital could do for her. We all wondered what was the purpose of all this.


Normally, I would have immediately spiraled because of fear.

I have so many fears.

When death happens around me, it hits me hard. But this time, I had peace.

I may never know the purpose, but I know that Jesus is enough for all of this. He is enough for the parents who just lost their baby. He is enough for the hospital workers who had to give up. He is enough for our team who walked through it all, prayed through it all. He is enough for all the people in the US who had been praying for Natalie that whole week and were crushed by the news.


Its not about me

Its not about me


And now I am back home.

And I am still preaching these words to myself every day.

Jesus is enough.

It’s not about me, it’s about God’s kingdom and His glory.

I am carrying these truths with me into my daily life at home and at work. I am no longer striving to be everything to everyone. That weight has been lifted.


When my son struggles in school, I don’t have to strive to make it all better. I pray and point my son to the One who can handle it.

When my husband is in the middle of a crazy work season and none of us can find enough time to be together as a family, I don’t have to strive to make it happen. I pray for strength. Because Jesus is enough to get us through this season.

When I come to work and we suddenly don’t have the funds for the next round of eye surgeries, I don’t freak out.

I trust that Jesus is enough to cover those funds. I don’t strive to make it happen. I let God move through me and tell me where those donations are going to come from.

(P.S. This really does happen. We would love for you to pray about giving to Sight.org to keep our eye surgeries going!)


It is so simple.

Jesus is enough.

It’s not about me, it’s about God’s kingdom and His glory.





Hungry for Jesus

Hungry for Jesus

I get to go to Togo once a year. Last year, I went during surgery week. It was overwhelming to see people’s lives being changed in a fifteen-minute surgery. I had so many stories and photos when I came back because our eye surgeries make such a huge impact.

This year, I wouldn’t be seeing any surgeries. I was going for ministry week instead.

I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive because I wasn’t sure if I would be getting many stories or photos. I’ve been working for Sight.org for two years, so I know that our ministry weeks make an impact, but it is not as in your face as our surgery weeks. I’m a preacher’s kid, so I’ve been around ministry my whole life. Ministry week didn’t feel like it would be as much of an adventure as surgery week was.

Boy, was I wrong.

Our eye surgeries are a doorway to ministry. These villages would not allow us to even enter without first doing eye surgeries. Through them, we build relationships and trust with the people.

After we spend several weeks in a village, they welcome us with open arms.

The first village I was in was called Landa. It is in the region of Elevagnon. Our ministry team has been in Landa since January. They have read the word with them, prayed with them, worshipped with them, and shown them the Jesus Film.

The first night I was in Landa, we watched a film called Mary Magdalene. Over fifty men, women, and children came to watch. As I sat with them and watched I had so many thoughts going through my preacher’s kid, Seminary trained brain.

I thought:

“Ok, so this film is in their language, but other than that, how are they possibly relating to anything going on?”

“Everyone in this film is white, and I’m surrounded by Africans.”

“Shouldn’t we just be loving on these people instead of staring at a screen?”

“These children are staying up past their bedtime and it’s a school night!”


Obviously, I was overthinking everything.

I prayed through the whole movie and I tried not to let my skeptical thoughts ruin my first night in the village.

What happened next shattered all my skepticism.

When the film was over, our ministry team encouraged the people with the word, prayed, and then offered to give Bibles to anyone who wanted them.

A young man stood up and said, “We have heard you tell us about Jesus and we all believe. We have watched the Jesus Film and now this film, and we love everything that Jesus has done for us. Yes, we want Bibles, but we really want a place to meet! Will you please give us a place to read the Bible together and pray together?”

I have never heard anyone so hungry for the Word of God before. They were starving for more of Jesus.

I was completely humbled. Jesus was so much bigger than my skeptical thoughts.

We told them that we would be there again the next night and would set up a place for them all to meet and bring them Bibles.


The next night, we met under a large mango tree. We sat down, started playing drums and singing.

At first, no one was there. But suddenly, one by one, they all came back. They truly wanted more of Jesus. We sang and prayed for an hour and then encouraged them with the word. It was so refreshing to be around a bunch of baby Christians who just wanted Jesus. They sang and danced for Jesus with all their hearts.


It started storming just was we opened the boxes of Bibles to give away. They all stayed, in the rain. They even stayed as we prayed over them.

They didn’t care about the rain because they wanted more of Jesus.


This is the beginning of a brand-new house church in the village of Landa.

Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.”

I know that Jesus is filling the people in the village of Landa, because they are hungry for Jesus.

Our ministry team has a long road ahead of them as they walk alongside this new house church. If you would like to see the steps that our team takes in establishing a house church, go to our ministry page. We would love for you to pray for this village.

Beloved New Region

Beloved New Region

The region of Elavagnon is the biggest challenge Sight.org has ever faced.

This entire year, we will be serving this region through eye surgeries and ministry. This area is poorer than any region Sight.org has ever served, and the Ministry of Health in Togo believes there are thousands of people in this region that are blind as a result of cataracts.

This region has zero access to eye care, and from what we have seen; the people living in this region are in worse conditions than any population we have ever served.

Elavagnon, Togo

This week, our medical team will be giving sight to 60 people in this region.


Elavagnon, Togo

Last month, 50 people in this region received their sight back.

Nine year old Faritte was one of the patients in these surgeries.

When he was three months old, he was hit in the eye with a stick. This caused an immediate cataract. He has not been able to see in his left eye since that day. Because of our mobile eye clinic, he is now able to see again. The photos below are from the day of surgery and a week later. We will check on him again in a few weeks to make sure his sight continues to improve.



After our first round of surgeries, our ministry team started building relationships with the patients and their families and neighbors. Through these new relationships, 75 people put their faith in Jesus.


Our ministry team is now working to start a new house church in this village.

If you would like to know more about this process, read our blog about our last house church.

At the beginning of this year, we asked you to pray specifically for this region. We are already seeing God move. Thank you for pouring your heart prayers into a village that you have never even heard of. God is so good.

Coming Home

Coming Home

Happy New Year! We can’t believe it’s already here! New Years is a BIG celebration here in TOGO. People fill the churches the night before (even though they may not go to church all year) and ring in the new year with fasting, prayers and praise!


We are on our way back to the United States thanks to many who gave toward our trip. We couldn’t have done it without you, May God doubly bless you! We will be back in Tyler, TX today! We are excited to be starting our new year coming home to see our kids, grandkids, church family, and friends. It’s been a year and we truly need your face-to-face connection!

We have our schedule for the year and expect GOD to do more through us and our medical/ministry team; afterall He is a BIG GOD!

There will be 450 surgeries scheduled and 41 weeks of ministry for 2017! A lot can happen and we are expecting God to move and change lives. We are asking you to pray along with us that God will do MORE miracles, answer MORE prayers, give MORE dreams, heal MORE of the sick/blind, start MORE small churches in each of these villages and do whatever God wants to do in the area of Elavagnon. 

We have enjoyed working with our Sight.org medical and ministry teams. Our Directors have been awesome and we couldn’t ask for a better team. We are looking forward to what God wants to do through each of these individuals!!




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